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Karen Suarez
Nov 9, 20221 min read
It Is Global Careers Month
People are often curious when I tell them I am a career development professional. They usually say something like, ‘so you help people...

Karen Suarez
Nov 2, 20221 min read
Thinking About Reneging on a Job Offer?
So, you accepted a job after searching for a long time. However, just as you signed the dotted line, your dream offer came in. What to do?

Karen Suarez
Oct 23, 20222 min read
Is an Uncertain Job Market Scaring You?
With headlines touting possible economic uncertainty, it might be tempting to jump ship and move on to what may be a better job opportunity.

Karen Suarez
Sep 16, 20223 min read
What Is the Employer Really Seeking in a Job Applicant
When you see a job posting, the first thing you do is send your resume. Have you considered what is behind everything in that description?

Karen Suarez
Jul 10, 20221 min read
How Can You Talk to the Inteviewer To Convince Them You Are the Perfect Candidate?
Include a cover letter to 'talk' to the employer whenever it is an option. It will help you stand out against those who do not.

Karen Suarez
May 31, 20223 min read
If It Is a Job Seekers Market, Why Can’t I Find a Job?
It's tough when you keep hearing it's a job-seekers market when you have sent dozens of resumes and haven't heard back from anyone. Not...
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