Your search is finally over and you landed your dream job. Here are 10 tips to ensure the transition goes smoothly and you succeed. It takes several months to a year to fully acclimate to a new role and company. Schedule a time to check-in with your boss to determine what is expected of you.
Prioritize what needs to be done immediately. Try not to take on too much, even if you are in a high-level role.
Try to find a mentor in the company.
Attempt to gauge the management style of the company once you begin.
Make your goals S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound).
Be positive in your interactions with colleagues, other departments, and supervisors.
Do not talk too much about your former job. Avoid saying, "we did it this way at...."
Ask questions and pay attention to what is happening around you.
Meet with colleagues and stakeholders.
Identify projects that you can easily accomplish.
Track your accomplishments.
If there is no formal 90 day review, request one to determine what you need to learn and what you are doing well. Once you are clear about this, you should be poised to succeed in your new role.
Contact me if you would like to schedule a free phone consultation.