You are doing your part, but there is radio silence. It seems like your applications are going down a black hole. You are sure you meet their qualifications, so that ma
kes it especially difficult. You apply to many jobs each day with no results. It’s frustrating and makes it hard to continue. Learn how to increase employer response to your applications.
You Are Not Being Intentional About Applying
Sending the same resume to dozens or hundreds of job descriptions will not yield results. You need to find employers who fit your interests. When you are looking at job descriptions, make a list of companies that align with your passions. Show them how you can help them with your skill set.
Your Skills and Experience Do Not Align with the Employers Needs
You should identify the skills and experience they seek and determine if you have what they are seeking. Typically, you only need to meet 85% of their needs. However, if they have a large applicant pool that meets all their requirements, that might be an issue. This isn’t your fault. You will need to translate what you have done on the job, even if it is in a different sector.
Your Resume Reads Like a Job Description.
The top third of your resume is important. Make sure you identify your accomplishments and write specifically for their company. Yes, this takes time, but it is the most effective way to show you have what they need. Make sure your details and contact information are short. In addition, you do not need a job objective. After all, they know what you are seeking. Also, exclude your street address and eliminate words like cell phone, phone, and email. List them – you do not need to explain them. Include an 'executive statement' at the top that is 100% directed to what they seek. This should be different for each role.
Your Resume and Cover Letter Aren’t Targeted to the Employer
Even if you have a targeted job-search strategy, a generic resume and cover letter can quickly stall your efforts. One glance at your resume will tell an employer if you wrote it specifically for the company or if you created a one-size-fits-all document that you emailed to every business on your list.
Your Resume Is Too Long
A hiring manager only takes six to 10 seconds to determine if they want to read your resume. If it is longer than two pages, that means you have included details that are not necessary. Even people with 20+ years of experience can create a two-page resume. Also, you do not have to include every job you have held.
Review Your Social Media Accounts.
Lock down your accounts by making them private. Approximately 93% of employers will look for information about you online. They will google you and look at your social media accounts.
You Dislike Social Media and Refuse to Use LinkedIn
LinkedIn is not a typical social media site like Instagram, TikTok or Facebook. It is a professional networking site and is critical to your job search. In fact, many recruiters will view your LinkedIn profile before they read your resume. Since you should limit your resume to two pages, you can include additional information on your profile to highlight your achievements. Also, not only can you use it to apply to jobs, a well-crafted profile will allow recruiters to reach out to you. Ensure you include a photo (with a background that is not busy. Leave out other people, pets, and children).
Contact me if you would like to schedule a free phone consultation.